How To Build a Rustic Fireplace Mantel and Surround

The centre space of any living area must be the fireplace mantel. It does not just help in elevating the mood of the surrounding but also brings people together around the fireplace. You can decorate the area during any occasion or special event and launch a lovely party at home. A Rustic Mantel Fireplace looks fascinating in the living area and offers a warm welcome to the guests.

Things You Need To Build The Fireplace Surround:

Poplar woods of different sizes
Wood glue
Cashmere paint in white
White marble
Wood glue
Thin white set mortar
Short and long nails
White grout
Clamps and hammer

How To Build A Rustic Fireplace Mantel And Surround?

Firstly, you need to build up the side columns to design the fireplace surround.
After designing the boxes, lay them in the opposite direction of one another to create the design of the surround.
Next, you need to sand the ends and seal up any gaps that be there in the beams
To give a decorative finish to the surround, you can use any paint of your choice or even install marbles around the space.

How To Design The Fireplace Mantel Accurately?

Building the fireplace mantel and surround becomes quite easy if you plan the construction properly. Take the measurements of the surrounding walls accurately so that you can cut out the beams accordingly. Use liquid nails to fix the beams to the wall. This technique helps in the seamless installation of the mantel place and keeps the area quite clean.

Today, you also have so many guides and tutorials available online that easily answers the question of how to build a rustic fireplace mantel and surround. Follow the easy steps, and you are done building your dream fireplace.